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Daily Life at Engelsholm

January 12, 2017

When attending Engelsholm you become a part of a community with both possibilities and obligations.

We’ll do our very best to secure, that you get a valuable stay. Our experience tells us, that creativity and craft works best in a structured environment (see your week schedule here).

A great beginning of the day

If you are an early bird, you can start your day with a swim in the castle lake. At the west bank we have a little bridge/jetty from which you jump into the lake.

Breakfast is served between 7.45 and 8.15

Between 8.30 and 9.00 we have a morning assembly in Riddersalen (the Knights Hall) in which we sing, experience lectures and share important messages. This is mandatory.


Monday, Tuesday and Thursday you attend your main programme/workshop.
Whenever you don’t have scheduled classes, you can attend the workshops. They are open 24/7.

Lunch break

At 12.00 this kitchen serves lunch. After lunch there is a break until 13.30, where the classes continues. Dinner is at 18.00.

Folk High School Nights

Every Wednesday night we have a lecture or an artist talk or a concert. These events provide us with common inspiration, themes and issues, that we continue to debate throughout the programme. This is also mandatory by the way.

You can see the programme for the Wednesday nights here: (calendar)

Extra curricular activities

Friday modules
Every Friday you can investigate alternative subjects, that may or may not correspond with your primary subject. Subjects change every 3 or 4 weeks (Friday workshops).

Study groups
Every Wednesday morning you leave the workshops for a short while and attend the Danish Language and Culture class.

Student group meetings
We subdivide the student body into smaller groups called Student Groups.

The groups contains students living in the same area of the school. Besides from being a social coalition it is also a group that has different practical and cultural tasks during the semester. The group meets every Friday and has 2 teachers attached.

Friday Assembly

We finish the weekly programme Friday afternoon.
Everyone is assembled in the Knights Hall (Riddersalen). We sing, we debate and we also look forward to the coming weekend and the week to come.

We support each other

When you attend Engelsholm, you become a part of a community, where everyone contributes. There are different tasks, that we share to make things run smoothly.

Cultural Duty

The student group has the cultural duty every 5th week. The task is to help out with the Folk High School Night, being responsible for morning assembly Friday and to host and contribute to the Friday Assembly. Saturday and Sunday the group cleans the outside areas and the castle basement.

Cleaning Duty

Every Monday and Thursday everyone cleans a (small) part of the common areas.
Once a week, you clean the workshop alongside your fellow students. And you are – of course – responsible for cleaning your own room regularly.

Kitchen work

We are very proud of our kitchen here at Engelsholm, that provides delicious and healthy food every day. During your stay here, you will have kitchen duty (1-1,5 week and 1 weekend) where you help serving dinner, cleaning and doing the dishes.

Spare time

When classes finish at 15.00 coffee is ready in the dining room. The rest of the afternoon until 18.00 when dinner is served, can be used for what ever you want. Work, sports, relaxation etc.

Most evenings are to your own disposition. But there is always someone who takes some kind of initiative. Could be film, games, sports, art café or yoga… And your are always welcome to contribute with your own ideas. At 21.00 evening coffee is served.


The weekends are mostly without a fixed programme. The first, the last weekend and the weekends surrounding the study trip are exceptions, but as a ground rule you sign up for the weekends, if you plan to stay at the school. Usually more than 50% of the student body stays in the weekends, and you sign up for the meals Wednesday at lunch prior to the weekend.

Together with the teacher on duty, plans for the weekend are made at the Friday assembly. Almost every weekend the party committee arranges a theme party – often situated in the legendary castle cellar.

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  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
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  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab
  • Engelsholm Højskole fællesskab